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Aspects Holidays supports Friends of the Towans

Aspects Holidays meet Friends of the Towans

We are proud to share we have recently donated £1000 to Friends of the Towans, a volunteer-led charity who look after the conservation, protection and management of the towans in Hayle. 

Located behind Hayle’s three-mile beach, Hayle Towans, which runs from Hayle to Godrevy, is the second largest dune system in Cornwall. Home to an abundance of wildlife, natural habitats and awe-inspiring scenery, the dunes are an important part of the local area. 

Volunteers work throughout the year to help care for the Towans, with most of the action happening in autumn and winter. During this time, they clear scrub like gorse and brambles from the grassy dunes, helping to improve the habitat for local wildlife.  The volunteers also help monitor wildlife activity, lead guided walks and arrange regular beach cleans to ensure the dunes are kept clean, tidy and safe for all to enjoy. Anyone can join Friends of the Towans for one of the open events; it's a great way to learn about the area, and help protect Cornwall’s stunning beaches.  

Friends of the Towans working at Upton Towans

Members of the Aspects Holidays team joined Friends of the Towans one morning at Upton Towans, where they were clearing invasive plants that were impacting the native species of this protected Site of Special Scientific Interest and Scheduled Ancient Monument. Home to the remains of a dynamite works, its also home to a diverse range of wildlife which the Friends monitor regularly. Works are carried out by the volunteers and in conjunction with Cornwall Wildlife Trust across areas that cannot be reached by large machinery, they also work by hand to clear plants to avoid using herbicides. 

Friends of the Towans volunteer team

Find out more about the work carried out by Friends of the Towans here

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