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Improvements to secure owner login

As part of our effort to continually improve service to our Owners, we have updated your online account login to show more detail, especially in the area of supplier payments.

Where we make payments to cleaners, housekeepers, tradesman etc. on an owner’s behalf, we now scan/upload their invoices to the owner section to be viewed, downloaded or printed as soon as they have been processed. Owners therefore have the facility to check, in real time, the details of payments made on their behalf.

This, along with actively encouraging suppliers to email invoices, forms a big step towards our long term aim of creating a totally paperless accounting system for our Owners. Alleviating the necessity to post paperwork out monthly also avoids problems caused by postal delay or items going missing.

Some of our Owners tell us that they already provide their accountant with login access to their Aspects account, so with a full record of transactions now available in electronic format, we hope this will make your accountant’s life easier…. and their bill to you a little bit lower!

Here’s how the new system works:

Once securely signed in with your unique username and password (this section can also be accessed by clicking the ”Owner” link from the top of any page of our website), your financial information  can be found by clicking on ‘View Finance’ in the centre of the home screen.

By clicking on a calendar month you can reveal the translations relating to it. Detail of a supplier payment can been seen by clicking on the supplier name:

Monthly breakdown of financial transactions

To view the copy of the actual invoice received, click ‘View Scanned Invoice':

Detailed information of payments

The invoice can then be downloaded or printed if required.

Monthly remittance statements will be available for download once the owner payment process has been run (by the 9th of the following month). All historical information will remain available on the site.

As well as financial information, you can also use your login account to contact your property team, view live availability, bookings information and guest feedback, and even block owner weeks in real time.

If you would like further help on how to make the most of your login account, your property manager will be more than happy to help.

Sign in and take a look around >>
